Coronavirus community information: Red By Night venue

Monday 1st June 2020

The music and entertainment venue Red By Night started up just a few months ago in Brierley Hill, and then suddenly covid hit. Vicki Wilkes joins me to talk about how she's coped, some of the help she’s received as she navigates her business through this difficult time, and what the venue may look like in the post-covid world. 

Previous Podcasts

My 10th jobs and skills fair in Wombourne - Mon 6th January

We are at my tenth jobs and skills fair in Wombourne (my first since the boundary changes as MP for Kingswinford and South Staffordshire).

No to the family farm tax - Wed 18th December

I visited Brookfields Farm in Wombourne and spoke to Linda about the government’s new tax on family farms.It is a poor policy that will devastate livelihoods, local food production, and our beautif

From my 9th annual jobs fair - Thu 5th October

Merry Hill saw my 9th annual jobs and skills fair, and the busiest one yet.

Meet Dudley South Hero Dawn Keeley - Wed 21st June

I continue my Dudley South Heroes series with Dawn Keeley — Dawn does a huge amount of volunteering with the Girlguides in Wall Heath.

Meet Dudley South Hero Trevor Fielding - Tue 25th April

Trevor runs a charity called "Santa's Black Country Toy Appeal".

Meet Dudley South Hero Stu Bratt - Thu 30th March

Meet Stu Bratt, my next Dudley South Hero. Stu runs a local mental health charity for men called "Tough Enough To Care".

Meet Dudley South Hero Ken Smith - Wed 22nd February

Hawbush Gardens is a real jewel in the community here in Brierley Hill. Ken Smith runs it — they use the space to grow fresh produce for local people and so much more.

Live from my 8th annual jobs fair - Tue 18th October

I hosted a packed jobs fair at Merry Hill shopping centre and I’d like to thank every single business and organisation that took the time to come along and speak to local people.
