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Mike has backed residents living on the Charterfields Estate, just off Stallings Lane in Kingswinford, who have voiced their objection to the installation of new telecoms poles near their homes.
The proposed installation by broadband provider BRSK would see new telecoms poles with overhead cables in multiple locations across the estate, despite the estate specifically being designed in the 1960’s with underground telecommunications to avoid the need for overground infrastructure.
Residents, Mike and local councillors are concerned that the company are choosing not to use existing underground infrastructure as they are required to do by government guidance, instead opting to use overground telegraph poles and cabling that unnecessarily blight their streets.
Mike said:
"I can understand why residents are angry, and hopefully BRSK will see sense and amend their plans so the estate's character will not be changed forever.
"The strength of feeling here at Charterfields and at other locations around the area is clear, and so is the Government guidance which states that providers should be sharing existing infrastructure or using underground options wherever possible.
“BRSK therefore need to go back, speak to other providers and change their plans."
Phil Hall, a Charterfields Estate resident who coordinated the petition said:
“Charterfields was built in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s with a unique feature – that all telecommunications were installed underground. This design has allowed us residents to enjoy an unspoiled street scene free from the usual network of telegraph poles and telephone cables and this is how we want to keep it.
“We are not opposed to new Full Fibre network technology just the manner it is being installed”.
Hundreds of residents on the estate have signed the petition which states they do not want new telegraph poles installed on their streets, nor do they require the services BRSK are providing.
Mike has raised raised the concerns with the Minister of State for Media and Data, Julia Lopez MP, and Mr Hall has submitted the petition signatures to BRSK.
The strength of feeling here at Charterfields and at other locations around the area is clear, and so is the Government guidance which states that providers should be sharing existing infrastructure or using underground options wherever possible.